ABLE Accounts – Final Regulations

ABLE (Achieving a Better Life Experience) accounts are for eligible individuals with a disability – they are tax-favored savings accounts to which contributions can be made to help pay for qualified disability expenses. The IRS recently released final regulations providing guidance related to various issues surrounding the

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Meals and Entertainment Expenses – Final Regulations

On September 30, 2020, IRS released final regulations providing guidance related to the deductibility of meals and entertainment expenses under Section 274 of the Internal Revenue Code. These final regulations clarify several areas of Section 274 that were impacted by changes under the 2017 Tax Cuts and

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Section 139: Qualified Disaster Payments

At this point, most people have heard about relief measures the government has enacted in the wake of Covid-19, but there remains one opportunity to harvest that has had little discussion surrounding it—Section 139 Qualified Disaster Payments.  Background  Section 139 of the Internal Revenue Code was established

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Are You Withholding Taxes on Your State Unemployment Compensation?

Many people erroneously believe that state unemployment compensation is not considered taxable income, resulting in quite an unpleasant surprise at tax time when they realize their mistake.  With a record number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits due to the Covid-19 pandemic and struggling to make ends

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Tax Considerations of a Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Filing

Chapter 11 bankruptcy is a form of bankruptcy that can be filed by businesses or individuals. Its goal is to give the filer time to reorganize and reduce their debt rather than discharge it. Under this type of bankruptcy, businesses can continue to operate, and individuals can

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Business Owners—Taking Money Out of a Business

When taking money out of a business, transactions must be carefully structured to avoid unwanted tax consequences or damage to the business entity. If the loan and repayments are not set up and processed properly, the IRS can reclassify the funding as nondeductible capital contributions and classify

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